Dr Andrea Viezzoli

Emergo, Italy

Australian explorers are blessed by the availability of precompetitive Airborne EM data of quality, density, and quantity that has no match in the rest of the world. For several reasons, some of them contain a wealth of information that can be leveraged farther, for both geological mapping and exploration. For example, even though the industry has largely accepted that modelling AIP is required by the physics, governmental data generally lacks AIP modelling.

The workshop describes, the project scoping, the process, lessons learned, results obtained, when we re-modelled with AIP the East Isa VTEM dataset (commissioned by QGS). The workshop will go beyond the geophysics, putting the new inversions into geological and exploration context, at different levels. Some speakers from QGS have been invited to provide selected input into the project.

The goal is to stimulate ample and open discussion on the relevance of modelling AIP in the precompetitive datasets for unlocking hidden further exploration potential.