Professor Malcolm Sambridge

Research School of Earth Sciences, The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia

Advances in exploration and sustainable resource recovery rely on increasingly sophisticated and bespoke methods to analyse and invert geophysical data. In as much as exploration itself is about possibilities and identifying them, so is finding an inference method that answers the question posed of the data and extracts maximum information.

Unfortunately, existing inversion frameworks seldom allow for this level of experimentation nor access to the most advanced algorithms for particular problems. CoFI, InLab’s Common Framework for Inference (, seeks to facilitate experimentation with geophysical inversion while reducing development time and cost; once an inference problem has been defined in CoFI, trialling a different approach is achieved by simply changing the keywords specifying the inference methods.

The purpose of this workshop organised by the InLab team is to provide a hands-on introduction to CoFI, illustrated through interactive problem solving. Attendees are thus expected to bring a laptop that can connect to the internet via Wi-Fi.

Up to date information about the workshop will be made available on